South Dakota HIV/AIDS facts and information
As of December 31, 2023, the South Dakota Department of Health reports 813 individuals that are living with HIV in the state. This data has been made available since March of 2025.
South Dakota HIV/AIDS Statistics
through December 2023
- Number of South Dakota residents diagnosed with HIV — 813
- In 2023, 468 HIV-positive South Dakotans were provided with services through the Ryan White Part B program
- 98% of HIV-positive individuals in South Dakota have received care
- 85% of HIV-positive individuals in South Dakota have achieved viral suppression
South DaKota Department of Health
HIV/AIDS information
How you CAN contract HIV
Blood, semen, vaginal secretions, breast feeding
- Unprotected sexual contact (anal, vaginal, or oral) with an individual living with HIV
- Sharing needles and syringes – injecting drugs
- Receiving blood transfusions or organs between January 1977 and June 1985 (blood and organs received after June 1985 are considered safe from HIV)
- Mother to baby before, during, or after birth (HIV may be transmitted through breast milk if infant is nursed by an HIV infected mother)
- Occupation in healthcare or lab
- Not by being bitten by mosquitoes or other bugs
- Not by being bitten by an animal
- Not through saliva, tears, urine, stool
- Not by eating food handled, prepared, or served by someone living with HIV
- Not by sharing toilets, telephones, or clothes
- Not by sharing forks, spoons, knives, or drinking glasses
- Not by touching, hugging, or kissing a person living with HIV
- Not by attending school, participating in sports, church, shopping malls, or other public places with people living with HIV
How You Can Reduce Your Risk of Exposure to HIV
- Abstain from having sexual intercourse. Your risk of exposure to HIV through
sexual contact becomes zero when you are not exposed to potentially infectious blood, semen, or vaginal secretions. - Develop a monogamous relationship with mutual fidelity. Persons who are not infected and in a monogamous (one sex partner) relationship with mutual fidelity (no cheating), have no risk of exposure to HIV through sex (provided neither shares IV drug needles).
- Use of condoms can reduce your risk of any sexually transmitted disease, including HIV. Brand name latex is best.
- Do not share needles or syringes, if injecting drugs.
- If you think you may have been exposed to HIV, contact our office to discuss testing options.
Symptoms of HIV Infection
- The only way to know whether you have HIV is to be tested.
- You cannot rely on symptoms alone because some people who have contracted HIV do not have symptoms for many years.
- Someone can look and feel healthy but could still test positive for HIV.
- In fact, one quarter of individuals who have contracted HIV in the United States do not know that they are HIV positive. See the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Q&A for more information.
HIV Testing
- Once HIV enters the body, the body starts to produce antibodies—substances the immune system creates after infection.
- There are many different kinds of HIV tests, including rapid tests and home test kits.
- All HIV tests approved by the US government are very good at finding HIV. See the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Q&A on testing for more information.
Finding a Testing Site
- Heartland Health offers FREE rapid HIV testing at our office location and you can obtain your results in 20 minutes.
- Heartland Health does not offer other STD testing, use the links below to find additional STD testing sites in your area.
- You can locate additional testing sites by clicking here or visiting the Department of Health web page, the CDC HIV testing database or by calling CDC-INFO (formerly the CDC National AIDS Hotline) at 1-800-CDC-INFO (1-800-232-4636) 24 Hours/Day. You do not have to give any personal information about yourself to use these services to find a testing site.